Dentysta Mikołów / Our Clinic

Our Clinic


Krystyna Jaworska-Szafraniec is an experienced dentist. From the very beginning of her professional career she has been working in Mikolow, where she has been running her Individual Dental Practice since 2005. She holds a specialisation in general dentistry. She is constantly expanding her knowledge and skills at numerous courses and trainings.

In order to ensure high quality of dental health services, the clinic operates with high-quality dental materials, modern equipment, e.g. radiovisiography and panoramic X-ray enabling the enhanced diagnostics. The clinic is equipped with The Wand computer anaesthesia, thanks to which visits can be comfortable and painless, also for our youngest patients. We provide services in general dentistry, endodontics, prosthetics, paediatric dentistry, prophylaxis, surgery and implantology.

Our medical team

Dental treatment and other services are provided by dentists Krystyna Jaworska-Szafraniec specialising in general dentistry, Aleksandra Mazur and Tomasz Szafraniec, with the support of dental hygienists Katarzyna Wieczorek and Małgorzata Chodyła. The clinic cooperates with dent. Sebastian Pawelec - specialist in dental surgery, performing procedures in the field of implantology and dental surgery. We form a harmonious team which is not afraid to take up challenges. We pay a lot of attention to both the quality of the services we provide and the atmosphere we create.

Lek. stom. Krystyna Jaworska-Szafraniec

stomatolog ogólny, właściciel praktyki

Lek. dent. Tomasz Szafraniec

stomatolog ogólny, endodonta

Lek. dent. Aleksandra Mazur

stomatolog ogólny, stomatologia estetyczna

Lek. dent. Sebastian Pawelec

chirurg stomatologiczny

Katarzyna Wieczorek

higienistka stomatologiczna

mgr Małgorzata Chodyła

higienistka stomatologiczna

lek. stom. Barbara Glanc-Wójcik

stomatolog ogólny

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