Safe and comfortable surgical procedures thanks to modern technology and an experienced team at Szafraniec Dentistry.
At the Stomatologia Szafraniec clinic in Mikołów, under the leadership of experienced dental surgeon lek. Sebastian Pawelec, we focus on an uncompromising combination of safety, patient comfort and the highest quality of surgical treatment. Our approach to facio-maxillofacial surgery is based on advanced knowledge, precision and the use of modern treatment methods.
All procedures at our clinic are performed using state-of-the-art technology and methods, including The Wand computer anesthesia system, which ensures painlessness and minimizes the stress of the procedure. Surgical procedures, from tooth extractions to advanced implant procedures and tissue grafting, are performed with the utmost attention to detail, ensuring their safety, durability and highest quality.
We plan surgical procedures with the utmost care, relying on accurate diagnostics, including pantomographic images and CT scans. This allows us to accurately determine the extent of treatment needed and minimize the risk of complications, ensuring a quick and effective recovery.
The website was searched for the keywords: dental surgery Mikolow, painless tooth extraction Mikolow, implants Mikolow, eights removal Mikolow, anesthesia The Wand Mikolow.
If you are looking for professional surgical care in Mikołów, we invite you to book an appointment at Szafraniec Dentistry. Using state-of-the-art technology and years of experience, our team is ready to provide you with a healthy and beautiful smile without pain or stress.
Stomatolog Mikołów
11 Krakowska St., 43-190 Mikołów
Tel: 32 738 11 38 / 792 001 907
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