We will take care
of your healthy smile

Dentist Mikołów

Good and experienced team of dentists.
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Our services
Why treat your teeth with us?
The dentist Krystyna Jaworska-Szafraniec

The dentist Krystyna Jaworska-Szafraniec is an experienced dentist. From the very beginning of her career she has been working in the Mikolow area, where she has been running her Individual Dental Practice since 2005. She holds a specialisation in general dentistry. She is constantly broadening her knowledge and skills at numerous courses and trainings.

Together with experienced and highly specialised associates, we form a harmonious team unafraid to take on challenges. We pay a lot of attention to both the quality of the services provided and the atmosphere.

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FAQ - Frequently asked questions

1. How often should I go to the dentist for a check-up?

According to the recommendations of the World Health Organisation, it is recommended to have them regularly every 6 months. At our dental clinic in Mikołów, we perform procedures such as scaling, sandblasting, fluoridation and polishing, which form part of prophylaxis and hygiene.

2. Why should you look after your child's milk teeth (baby teeth)?

Neglected milk teeth can lead to their premature prolapse, which unfortunately results in the improper development of the mandible and jaw. In addition, the enamel of permanent teeth will be less mineralised and susceptible to bacteria. Our dentists have the right approach to children, thanks to which the youngest patients come to us very willingly. We invite you to our Mikołów clinic for special adaptation visits, where the little ones will be able to adapt themselves in the dental chair.

3. How durable are dental implants?

Each case should be considered individually, but remembering to follow your dentist's recommendations, implants can last up to several decades. Our qualified dentist has carried out many such procedures, so you can be sure of the high quality of your implants.

4. What is tooth sandblasting?

It is a standard dental procedure consisting of cleaning teeth of tartar and deposit with the use of a cleaning substance pressed under high pressure. We invite you to the dental clinic in Mikołów, where you can make an appointment for all treatments related to prophylaxis and hygiene.

5. What is endodontics (root canal treatment)?

It is a branch of dentistry dealing with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the dental pulp and periapical tissues. At our dental clinic in Mikołów you will receive root canal treatment of the highest quality. Treatments are carried out using anaesthesia, and the entire treatment is conducted by excellent dentists.

6. How to get to a dentist in Mikołów - Stomatologia Szafraniec?

Our dentist office in Mikołów is located at ul. Krakowska 11 in the very center of Mikołów. You can get there by car (parking next to the building) or by public transport (ZTM). We work from Monday to Friday. The dentist is closed on weekends and holidays.




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