Extraction of a tooth with suturing or root separation
from 300 zł
Incision and drainage of an abscess
from 150 zł
Treatment of post-extraction complications
from 50 zł
Porcelain crown on metal substructure starting
from 1000 zł
Ceramic crown on zirconium oxide framework
from 1600 zł
Cast metal inlay
from 400 zł
Cementation of restorations made outside the clinic
from 150 zł
Full denture
from 1000 zł
Acrylic partial denture
from 450 zł
Classic skeletal denture
from 1600 zł
Acetal/FJP skeletal denture
from 1800 zł
Denture reinforcement (mesh)
200 zł
Denture repair / tooth replacement
from 100 zł
Denture padding
from 200 zł
Relaxation splint
from 400 zł
Adhesive bridge
from 1000 zł
The price list is not a commercial offer within the meaning of Article 66, § 1 of the Civil Code.
Information on the impact on human health and the environment of activities related to sources of ionizing radiation
Activities associated with sources of ionizing radiation in our unit do not cause negative impacts on human health and the environment. Our company's handling of ionizing radiation sources is in accordance with the conditions of the permit of the Silesian State Regional Sanitary Inspector in Katowice and the applicable legal requirements in this regard under the Atomic Law, and also ensures that the impact of waste on the environment is minimized. There are no releases of radioactive substances into the environment in connection with activities related to sources of ionizing radiation.
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